Agriculture Bulk Bags: Food-grade Packaging Solutions for Agricultural Products

Agricultural products require special attention while packing, storing, and transporting. For example, certain products need ventilation, while others do not. Similarly, premium agricultural produce often requires dust-proof bags, whereas other products do just fine with regular Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC).

At Codefine, we take utmost care to manufacture bags and containers that are food-grade so that agricultural products are stored and transported safely. Our packaging solutions can be customized for every agricultural commodity, from vegetables and fruits to cereals and seeds. All our agrarian packaging solutions are green and environmentally friendly and help you safeguard food products from contaminants, moisture, and other factors that may affect quality and safety.

Different types of packaging solutions for agricultural products

  • Easylift 3 bags – These no-pallet bags help reduce transportation costs and have a low impact on the environment. They are easy to handle and allow you to ship up to 20% more goods in each bag.
  • Bags made from ventilated fabric – Some agricultural products, such as vegetables and fruits, need ventilation to remain fresh and retain their nutrients. Our ventilated bags help ensure that agrarian produce looks and tastes as if they were fresh from the farm.
  • Dustproof bags – Certain products such as coffee, tea, and other cash crops need to be stored and transported in dustproof bags. You can also choose bags manufactured without any dustproof quality, which is suitable for hardy vegetables and unprocessed grains.
  • Small PP bags – These are also known as woven pp bags. They are manufactured by interweaving polypropylene strips bidirectionally, which results in a food-safe and sustainable material that is also affordable.
Polypropylene Bags
  • Agricultural Container liners – We can line packaging bags with food-grade container liners to ensure no chemicals are leaching into the bags’ contents. Codefine’s container liners protect agricultural produce from environmental damage and contamination.
Container liners

Packaging solutions that keep things fresh

Whether you are a farmer who’s looking for animal feed bags, or a large-scale agricultural distributor, you will require diverse packaging solutions to keep edible produce safe and healthy. As global demand for farm products is soaring, it is essential to pack, store, and transport food products in bags compliant with various regulations. Using Codefine’s agricultural packaging solutions helps you to:

  • Maintain and retain the freshness of food products.
  • Pack and transport agrarian produce globally.
  • Scale your business by reducing operational costs.
  • Ensure efficiency at warehouses and dockyards.
  • Protect agricultural products from bacteria, moisture, and other contaminants. (We also offer industrial chemical packaging if that’s more what you’re looking for.)
agriculture - products

Freshness sealed in sustainable packaging.

Codefine places great emphasis on sustainability and adopting an environmentally friendly approach. Hence, all our agricultural packaging solutions are green and biodegradable. They help you project an eco-friendly image to your consumers, which helps improve your brand image as well. Most importantly, you will be able to efficiently deliver your products at their destinations on time. We have also written an article on how to recycle bulk bags.

Customized solutions for every packaging requirement

The agricultural industry is a diverse vertical with various packaging needs and requirements, like for instance the wholesale food grade bag. From dust-proof bags to ventilated FIBCs, mining bags, and pharma-grade FIBC bags, Codefine helps you customize and choose solutions that solve your problems. Most importantly, every Codefine solution you select will be a decision toward a greener and cleaner future. Please speak to us today to learn more about our agricultural packaging solutions.

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