Animal Feed Bags: Food-grade Packaging Solutions for Animal Products

Animal nutrition depends on how their feed is stored and packaged. Exposure to moisture, bacteria, and contaminants can dramatically increase their chances of disease and death. Hence, it is crucial to choose FIBCs that are food-grade and contaminant-free.

Codefine has extensive experience in helping pack and ship animal feed. We have a range of bags that can store agricultural feed in wholesale quantities. In addition, our patented manufacturing process helps ensure that the contents in the bag remain free from contaminants and microbes, greatly ensuring the health and safety of your animals.

We have different types of bags for packaging animal feed.

  • Industry bags – Perfect for storing pre-packaged food items for the long haul. These bags can easily be lifted using forklifts and are 100% traceable. In addition, they keep the contents in the bag fresh and safe.
  • CSD® (Codefine Super Dustproof) bags – Manufactured using an exclusive and patented technology, these bags are soft-proof and ensure that fine powders can be safely transported. These are perfect for transporting edible flour and other kinds of animal feed.
  • CSD Type 3 bags – These bags are more robust and sturdier than CSD bags and help you pack and store valuable contents. If you plan to store and transport premium animal feed, look no further than CSD Type 3 bags. They have the added advantage of being long-lasting and can be used multiple times.
  • Food-grade FIBCs – Codefine’s FIBCs are made from sustainable and biodegradable materials. Chemical packaging does not leach chemicals into the content of the bags and ensure food safety. These bags are perfect for storing large quantities of animal feed and supplies.
  • Other packaging bagsAgricultural bags, units and farms have varying requirements for storing and packing animal feed. If you are a pet food manufacturer or an animal feed supplier, we can custom-build bags for every situation and need, even packaging for disposal.

Ensure animal health and nutrition.

Animal feed and pet food products should be packaged as carefully as food products meant for human beings. Doing so will set your business apart from your rivals and gain a competitive edge. Most importantly, you will ensure ethical animal feed practices, which are uncommon in the industry.

  • Retain essential nutrients in the animal feed.
  • Ensure pet food remains fresh and edible for a long time.
  • Protect animals from contaminants, microbes, and chemicals.
  • Build brand reputation thanks to high-quality animal feed.
  • Earn the trust and customer loyalty by ensuring proper packaging of animal feed.

Adopt a clean and green packaging solution.

Agriculture and farm animals are often implicated in greenhouse gas emissions and increased carbon footprint. You can comply with several environmentally friendly rules and regulations by choosing to pack animal feed and pet food products in sustainable and green packaging solutions. In addition, sustainable and green packaging solutions will help you present a more premium brand image to your target audience.

person feeding an animal

Choose packaging solutions that help you scale.

Animal feed and pet food products are very competitive businesses to be in. Hence, it is pertinent that you choose packaging solutions that give you a competitive edge. Codefine’s range of packing products including bags for the mining industry and pharma-grade bags, help you present a premium brand narrative, ensure food safety, and adopt a clean and green packaging policy. This enables you to gain an edge over your rivals and scale your business incrementally. Contact us today to discuss your options.

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