Codefine's FIBC Bag

Safe Practices for FIBC Bulk Bag Handling

Picking the right FIBCs for your business is all well and good. However, if you want to streamline your operation and maintain a secure working environment, you need to think about safe handling best practices. Confused about FIBC categories? Need some guidance on safe handling and proper storage? Read on for everything you need to know.

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Storage and Transportation

The most important thing to remember when storing full and empty FIBC bags is to keep them in a secure and clean environment. Moisture and UV rays can damage the integrity of bulk bags, so exposure to the elements should be avoided. For added protection, bags should be covered at all times to minimize dust and moisture intrusion.

When stacking bags, it’s best to follow a supported stacking or pyramid method. With the supported stacking method, bags should be placed evenly against at least two retaining walls. With the pyramid stacking method, you’ll create a base layer of filled bags, before adding ever-decreasing tiers to form a pyramid shape. However, when using this stacking method, you need to ensure every layer is resting on at least four bags. 

When transporting FIBCs, make sure every bulk bag is properly secured. As well as being dangerous, unsecured FIBC bags can lead to unwanted spillages, rendering stored materials unfit for purpose.

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